Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Writers as readers

Whenever i read i like to be in a space by myself to where there are no distractions and so i play music as loud as i can. The genre of music doesn't really matter, its usually based off of what mood i'm in or what book i'm reading. I generally like mood lighting to help me focus a little better, like greens and blues and purples, not the harsh LED lights.
When i was born, a family friend who made children's books decided to make one about me. He used animated characters and my family and i were pandas. I remember being so intrigued by this book not only cause it was about me but the fact that it was made personally for me and there were no others like it. Whenever i started reading, i remember i always wanted to read this one and i memorized it word for word and i loved this book so much.
There's a book called All the Bright Places and as soon as i read the first page of the book i was hooked. I finished it in one day, which is unusual for me. I'm usually not into the "cheesy" romantic stereotypical books but this books have a lot of realistic relationship details to it and it has some quirky scenes in it. I was very interested cause this book doesn't sugar coat mental illness or tragedy and doesn't make it seem like love can conquer all. Its a very raw and very beautifully written book and it will always be one of my favorites.

1 comment:

  1. I'd love to see the book your family friend made for you! We are going to write children's books of our own in the next couple of weeks.
